Financial Aid Consumer Information Disclosure

Review Required Consumer Information Disclosures
Information regarding financial aid availability is located on the Iowa State Office of Student Financial Aid website.
Iowa State University Office of Student Financial Aid
0210 Beardshear Hall
515 Morrill Road
Ames, IA 50011-2103
(515) 294 – 2223
(515) 294 – 0851 (Fax: Main)
(515) 294 – 3622 (Fax: Verification & Tax Documents)
Federal law provides that a student who has been convicted of an offense under any federal or state law involving the possession or sale of a controlled substance during a period of enrollment for which the student was receiving financial aid shall not be eligible to receive any federal or institutional grant, loan, or work assistance.
Pell grant-eligible students who have Title IV funds awarded in excess of school charges are eligible for a refund. (All students awarded Title IV funds in excess of school charges are eligible for a refund.) The refund will be available by the 7th day of class in order for students to obtain books and supplies. Iowa State University meets this requirement by refunding the student their Title IV credit balance by the 7th day of class. If a student has yet to establish eligibility to receive Title IV funds at least 10 days before the beginning of a payment period due to outstanding verification requirements, unresolved or conflicting information, this requirement does not apply.
Contact Office of Student Financial Aid for information regarding private loan self-certification forms. (515) 294 – 2223 (Main Office)